
在職場上,大家都不可否認的是「話術」非常重要,這裡指得是會在適當的時候說合適的話,而有些話是不宜在職場上說出口的,不僅會影響人際關係,更有可能影響工作互動。一本知名的領導學書籍”The Leader Phrase Book”中就提到了四句不宜對同事說的話,避免無心說出口的話卻演變成不好的結果,以下的建議不僅是經理人,就連一般員工也很實用!快來看看吧! ↓↓↓


A leader will always have people listen to him. That commanding quality
is what makes him a leader. Followers follow and leaders lead. However,
there are still some things a good leader should keep in mind. “A leader’s
brain must always work things out ahead of his mouth speaking them,”
says Patrick Alain, author of “The Leader Phrase Book” . Let’s look at
four things that Alain says managers should never say.

領導者總是能讓人言聽計從。這種統御特質使他成為領導者。領導者帶領,追隨者跟進。但是好的領導者仍須牢記一些事。Patrick Alainί 在The Leader Phrase Book裡面提到,領導者講話必須先經過大腦,讓我們來探討哪四件事是經理人絕對不可以說的。

That’s Impossible這是不可能的

This statement is hurtful to a manager in more than one way. First off,
it’s flat-out negative. It makes the person who said it automatically feel
the need to justify why the matter, whatever it may be, is possible. Also,
when someone says this too often, it makes him look like a person who
trivializes people and their work, even when it’s not their intention.


Instead of saying something is “impossible” , it’s better to say something
along the lines of “I find that hard to believe.” This simple alternative is
still honest, but it’s not dismissive.


____ is a Jerk! 某人是個混球

A manager who gossips about people and even insults them hardly
garners respect. Instead, it kills confidence in you as a leader. Something
as basic as venting some frustration in the lunchroom or even through a
chat window can be disastrous. Your vent session can easily be shared or
forwarded around the office.


We all get frustrated with people at times. If you need to discuss a
problem you’re having with an employee, do it in the right way and with
the right person. Keep your vent private and constructive. For example,
“I have a hard time seeing eye to eye with ____”. The employee might
still eventually hear your concerns, but it would be through the right
channels and not just through the office grapevine.






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