Tired of working from home? Some companies plan to bring employees back to the office.
After over a year of working remotely due to the pandemic, lots of tech companies are planning to begin a gradual return to in-person work and are looking into hybrid work models going forward.
Facebook, Uber and Microsoft will soon reopen some offices with a limited 10 to 20 percent capacity. Employees are being asked to wear masks and maintain social distancing. However, it seems guaranteed that remote work is not going away entirely anytime soon.
例如:臉書、Uber 和微軟最近就會開放一些辦公室,但回辦公室上班的員工人數會限制在 10% 至 20% 內,且他們會被要求戴口罩、維持社交距離。儘管如此這些公司逐步重啟辦公室,但似乎可以確定短期內遠距工作並不會完全消失。
work from home 與 work remotely 都是「遠距工作」的意思,兩個詞彙在疫情之後很常在英文新聞中見到。但要注意的是,如果要表達的是受僱於某公司、只是辦公地點在家,就一定要用「work from home」;除非你是自行開業或在家接案者,才能說是「work at home」。
例句:During the pandemic, our company imposed a work-from-home policy. 疫情期間,公司實施員工遠距上班政策。