抽電子煙的年輕人,比不吸菸者感染新冠肺炎的機會高出五倍Vaping Makes Young People More Likely to Get COVID-19

It is widely believed that vaping causes less harm to the lungs than cigarettes. Therefore vaping is suggested as “a good aid” to quit smoking and has become more and more popular among young people.

However, a new study from Stanford University finds that teenagers and young adults who use e-cigarettes are five times more likely than non-smokers to get diagnosed with the coronavirus. Those who use both traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes are seven times more likely to test positive.

Vaping damages lungs as well as the immune system. Evidence shows that all electronic nicotine-delivery systems put users at higher risk of contracting COVID-19.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說




輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習

依照WHO的定義,Electronic nicotine-delivery systems(簡稱ENDS),全名為「電子尼古丁輸送系統」,也稱作E-Cigarette (簡稱EC)。電子菸使用晶片及電子零件,將電子液體(俗稱菸油)加熱霧化,變成揮發性的化學物質,因此除了說use e-cigarettes之外,現在已使用vape (從vapor 「汽化」演變而來)這個動詞單字來直接代表「抽電子菸」這個動作,而抽電子菸的人,則直接稱作vaper.

例句:It is not allowed to smoke or vape here.


  1. 1. cigarette n. 香煙
  2. 2. non-smoker n. 不抽煙的人
  3. 3. immune system n. 免疫系統
  4. 4. nicotine n. 尼古丁
  5. 5. succumb v. 罹患、受病痛折磨
  6. 6. put sb at risk of 讓某人面臨風險