「荷蘭/比利時」小鎮的一街兩制──你休息,我營業;左鄰停工、右舍解封Following Rules Varying from Door to Door Could Be a Puzzle

Under lockdown in Baarle-Hertog-Nassau, a small town sitting several miles inside the Netherlands, some shops remain open on one side of the street, while those on the other side have to close.

This town is divided into two sides, Belgian and Dutch, owing to a deal in 1198. On each side are enclaves belonging to the other. The border cuts through streets, stores, and houses. Therefore, Baarle-Hertog-Nassau is often referred to as the world’s most complex border situation.

Belgium went into total lockdown in March, and the Netherlands took a far more relaxed approach. Since each enclave is subject to its nation’s laws, the rules in Baarle-Hertog-Nassau might differ from street to street, door to door, and even within buildings. People living in the border-straddling town are confused over which country’s rules to follow in the pandemic.







  • enclave 內飛地:一個國家境內有一塊屬於其他國家的領土,這個區域就稱為這個國家的「內飛地」
  • exclave 外飛地:一個國家有一塊領土在本國境外,被其他國家領地包圍,那塊領土就稱為這個國家的「外飛地」


This neighborhood is a wealthy enclave in a poor area. 這區域是貧窮地區的一個富裕的飛地。


  • border 邊界
  • belong to 屬於:A belong to B,是「A屬於B」的意思
  • be subject to 受約束、受規範:X is subject to Y,意指「X受Y的約束」
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