創造歷史!賀錦麗成為拜登副手。Harris named as Biden’s running mate

Kamala Harris was named as Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s vice-presidential running mate. Ms. Harris, 55, made history as the first black woman and the first Asian American to be nominated by a major political party.

Ms. Harris was born in California to a Jamaican father and an Indian Mother, in which state she was elected to the Senate in 2016. She is also former attorney general of California and former San Francisco district attorney.

In her presidential campaign last year, Kamala Harris said she could appeal to both progressives and moderates. She is also expected to attract more black and female voters for Biden.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

美國民主黨總統候選人拜登(Joe Biden)日前終於宣佈副手人選,是加州參議員賀錦麗,這個選擇可謂眾望所歸,也讓賀錦麗成為由主要政黨推派的第一位有色人種女性參選人。



輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習

當我們要說「競選」時,使用的動詞可以用「run」,競選總統就可以說run for president. 例如:

Biden and Trump are both running for the U.S. president in 2020.

文中,賀錦麗身為拜登的競選搭檔,英文就是running mate。至於總統選戰,就是presidential race,就是被引申為是一場賽事。例如:

People wonder how Kamala Harris will change the presidential race.


  • 1. Nominee 提名人
  • 2. Elect 選舉
  • 3. appeal 吸引


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