臉部辨識侵犯人權、種族歧視,IBM宣布永不再研究相關技術IBM:We will no longer offer, develop or research facial recognition

IBM said they will no longer offer facial recognition or analysis software to the police department for mass surveillance, as the technology not only violates basic human rights, but also suffers from bias of age, ethnicity, and race. IBM even announced that they will no longer develop or research the technology.

Researchers have warned that facial recognition is unreliable and racially biased. For instance, women were more likely to be misidentified than men. Also, the elderly and children were more likely to be misidentified than those in other age groups. Middle-aged white men showed the highest accuracy rate.


臉部辨識技術很方便?但科技大頭 IBM 或許不這麼想。

近日 IBM 宣布,未來將不再提供執法單位臉部辨識技術或相關分析軟體,因為這些單位都把技術用於大規模監控,除了侵犯人民基本權利,此種技術其實也有年齡、族群及種族偏見。IBM 甚至說,未來也不再開發、研究臉部辨識技術,等同於宣佈永久退出該項業務。



ethnicity 是「族群」的意思,很多人常把它與 race (種族)搞混。但其實 race 指的是因血緣而形成的人群差異,通常在外貌上就能清楚看出差別;而 ethnicity 指的是因血緣、文化、歷史等各種因素而形成的人群差異,例如:香港華人與馬來西亞華人或許種族相近、外表也類似,但因為長久生活的文化和風俗不同,從族群來看卻有許多差異。


  • facial recognition (n.) 臉部辨識
  • mass surveillance (n.) 大規模監控
  • racially biased  種族偏見
  • misidentify (v.) 辨識錯誤
  • middle-aged (adj.) 中年
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