2010 再生能源好貴?大規模太陽能比十年前便宜 8 成Large-scale solar power now more than 80% cheaper to build than in

“Renewable energy is great, but it’s not cost-effective!” Maybe it is time to bust the myth.

New figures have revealed that the cost of large-scale solar power has fallen by more than 80% in the last decade. In addition, the cost of onshore wind power has declined by almost 40%, and offshore wind power by almost 30%.

Advocates also find that the world’s existing coal capacity could cost more to run than new large-scale solar power plants. They believe the best global economic recovery strategy in the post Covid-19 future is a green strategy because renewable investments are not only cost-effective and stable, but also offer predictable returns.



最新數據顯示,最近十年來,大規模太陽能發電成本下降超過 80%。以為只有太陽能成本降低嗎?不只如此,陸域風場成本也下降近 40%,海域的離岸風場也下降近 30%,再生能源似乎已不是過去認為的「昂貴發電」。



cost-effective 是「划算、低成本、經濟效益高」的意思,與 cheap(便宜)意思差不多,但 cost-effective 屬於比較文雅的說法,可以用在平常生活中,也可以用在正式場合等。

例句:It’s cost-effective to buy a notebook than a tablet because you are a heavy user.


  • renewable energy (n.) 再生能源
  • onshore wind power (n.) 陸域風電
  • offshore wind power (n.) 離岸風電
  • coal plant (n.) 燃煤電廠,也就是火力發電廠
  • solar power plant (n.) 太陽能發電廠
  • stable (adj.) 穩定。因為談到再生能源,多數人最關切兩大議題,一是成本、二是供電穩定度
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