WhatsApp’s latest update to its terms of service has pushed millions of subscribers to flock to competitors, such as Telegram and Signal. Users have been prompted to accept the changes without a chance to refuse, or they will be cut off.
The poorly explained update caused confusion and made users shift to alternative platforms. In the UK, WhatsApp fell from the 8th most downloaded app to the 23rd within two weeks. Meanwhile, Signal and Telegram saw 7.5 million and 5.6 million downloads globally from Jan 6 through Jan 10.
Users are worried that the new terms will allow WhatsApp to share data with its parent company Facebook. The update had been slated for Feb 8. However, the exodus forced WhatsApp to delay the implementation and do damage control by exhaustively clarifying its new policy to the public.
exodus n. (一大批地)離開、退出
這個字來源於舊約聖經典故《出埃及記》,講述摩西帶領以色列人離開埃及的故事,現在可用於描述大批人群離開、甚至逃亡的情況,例如an exodus from A to B,集體從A移動到B。
The exodus of refugees from Iraq and Syria put great pressure on European countries.