打破二元性別 日航廣播不再使用「先生女士」Embracing a more gender-inclusive language on board

Japan Airlines said it would no longer use the phrase “ladies and gentlemen” for its English in-flight announcements, paving the way toward inclusivity after a long fight by activists in Japan to change gender norms.

Announcements in Japanese will stay the same because they are already not gender-specific.

More and more airlines and subway systems around the world have recently been phasing out gender-specific language.  “Ladies and gentlemen” will be replaced by gender-neutral phrases such as “all passengers” and “everyone.”

A few months ago, Japan Airlines also said that it would relax staff requirements so that female flight attendants would be able to choose the kinds of shoes they wear on flights instead of high heels.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

日本航空近期宣佈,將取消機艙內英文廣播的「Ladies and Gentlemen」(先生女士),破除性別二元對立的刻板印象。取而代之的,將是「各位旅客」或「所有乘客」。不過,改變僅限於英文,日語的廣播則維持原樣,因為日文版本就不強調性別。




輕鬆帶著走 │學習

逐漸取消、淘汰,可以用文中的「phase out」,phase當作名詞使用就是「階段」,所以phase out可以解釋成「分階段淘汰」,例句:

The airline is planning to phase out the aircraft at the end of this year.

The old currency will be phased out soon.


  • Inclusivity 包容性
  • Replace 替換
  • Requirement 要求