歸功於疫情封城的關係,盜獵犀牛銳減了53% COVID-19 Lockdown Credited with Rhino Poaching Dropping by 53%

During the first six months of 2020, rhino poaching has declined by more than 50% from last year, thanks to the nationwide coronavirus lockdown in South Africa. International and domestic travel restrictions disrupted the global smuggling ring and unexpectedly stopped the illegal international trade in rhino horns.

South Africa has approximately 20,000 rhinos, almost 80% of the world’s remaining rhino population, which makes it a hotspot for rhinoceros poaching. However, the drop in rhino poaching might be just a temporary reprieve. With the slow resumption of flights and reopening of games parks, experts warn a resurgence of killing the endangered mammals.

South Africa deploys anti-poaching squads and builds electric fences around its parks to protect rhinos, elephants, and other animals from poachers.

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  • credit A to B:A的結果是B造成的;把A當主詞的話,可化為被動句A be credited to B

例句:The outstanding results are credited to their hard work.

  • credit A with B:能有B這樣的成果,要歸功於A;把A當主詞,則化為被動句 A be credited with B。另外也有習慣用法如credit sb/sth with (Ving) sth,意思是「把(後面sth)這件事歸功於(前面sb/sth)這個人或這件事」;改成被動句就變成 sb/sth be credited with (Ving) sth。

例句:Bruce Lee is credited with promoting KungFu to the West.


  • rhino (n.) 犀牛(較口語用法)。rhinoceros (n.) 犀牛,此字以s結尾,但可以表示單數或複數,或是複數也可以寫成rhinoceroses
  • poach (v.) 盜獵
  • thanks to 幸虧、由於
  • smuggle (v.) 走私。smuggling ring 走私集團
  • hotspot (n.) 熱點,熱鬧場所,熱門區域
  • reprieve (n./v.) 暫時緩解、暫緩中止
  • resurgence (n.) 復甦、再興
  • mammal (n.) 哺乳類動物