Tilda Swinton, the British actress who spoke at the Venice Film Festival, said that “it is inevitable that gender-neutral awards will become the standard across the film industry and at award shows.”
She praised the decision made by the Berlin Film Festival, another important international festival, to award gender-neutral prizes, and predicted that other award ceremonies will follow suit.
Swinton said that that the idea of categorizing people by characteristics seems more and more outdated. “It’s just such a waste of life.”
The Venice Film Festival has long been criticized for the lack of female directors in its in-competition films. It has included more female directors this year.
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近期常受到討論的「無性別廁所」,英文就可以說是gender neutral restroom,意思就是這間廁所不受到性別的規範。也可以說是all-gender restroom,或是unisex restroom。