眾多小粉絲用玩具葬禮悼念黑豹男星Chadwick Boseman Kids Mourn Chadwick Boseman with Toy Figures in Mock Funerals

The beloved actor Chadwick Boseman, known for his role as Marvel’s Black Panther superhero, unexpectedly passed away in August at age 43. Chadwick Boseman had been secretly fighting stage 4 colon cancer for four years. Kids across the USA are hosting mock funerals attended by action figures to mourn the great “King T’Challa.”

In one picture uploaded to Twitter by parents, a boy stands alongside his superhero figures with arms crossed in the shape of an X over his chest in the ‘Wakanda Forever’ salute. In another picture, the figure of Black Panther rests peacefully surrounded by other superheroes and electric candles. These young fans are paying their tribute to or showing grief over their role model in their own ways.

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使用grief (n.) 這個字來表達巨大的悲痛、哀傷時,通常傳達的是因為有人離世而引起的情緒,若需要使用動詞,則改用grieve (v.),以grieve for / over sb表示。Pass away或 pass on,則是die (死亡)的另種較為委婉含蓄的說法。

例句:Everybody in his family are still grieving for his grandmother, who passed away last week.


  • mock (adj.) 仿製的、假的、模擬的
  • mourn (v.) 悼念、哀悼
  • salute (v./n.) 敬禮、致意
  • pay tribute to 讚頌、稱讚
  • role model 楷模、榜樣