2020年太難熬,懷舊文化療傷你我Watch the old movies, go back to the good old days

For most people on the planet, 2020 is a tough year. If you find solace in old movies, TV shows, and music to keep yourself from totally losing it, you‘re not alone.

Online streaming service figures reveal that this content has become popular again during the pandemic. Since no one really knows what to expect, people are be inclined to escapism.

Experts say pop culture nostalgia can ease the pain of 2020. It is one of the last few simple pleasures we can enjoy without worry or a surgical mask. It can help most of us to stay connected to a shared past that contains comfort.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

對絕大多數地球上的人來說,2020 都是不好過的一年。如果你發現自己會藉由沈浸在老舊電影、節目、音樂中來避免迷失自我,那你一點都不孤單。


而專家也說這樣沒什麼不好,因為這些懷舊流行文化的確能從心理層面緩解 2020 年的各種苦難。畢竟,看一部老電影、節目,聽聽老歌,已經是目前少數我們能自在參與、且不需要提心弔膽或戴口罩的活動。不只如此,這些懷舊內容還能讓我們彼此保持連結,與他人共享那段安心、舒適的過往時光。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習

be inclined to 指的是「傾向做什麼事、喜歡做什麼事」。

例句:After remote work for several weeks during the lockdown, she is inclined to go back to the office.


  1. 1. tough adj. 負面意思指「艱難、棘手」;正面意涵指「堅強、堅固、有主見」
  2. 2. solace n. 撫慰
  3. 3. escapism n. 逃避現實、暫時解脫
  4. 4. nostalgia n. 懷舊、念舊
  5. 5. ease v. 減輕、舒緩