夜宿地表最後一間百視達,回味 90 年代!One-night stay in the final store of Blockbuster!

Blockbuster, the once-ubiquitous video retail chain, is now a relic of the 1990s and 2000s. As online streaming services like Netflix have become the mainstream, there is only one Blockbuster store left in the world, located in Oregon.

Now, the final store has been turned into an Airbnb for just $4 a night! The manager of the store will offer three one-night stays at the end of September, available exclusively to locals.

You can spend one night in the living room resort, kicking back on the couch, watching TV while enjoying unlimited snacks.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

百視達曾經蔚為風潮,各地都可見到分店,但如今已成為回味 1990 年代、2000 年代的「遺跡」。隨著線上串流服務如 Netflix 崛起,目前全世界僅存一家位於美國奧勒岡州的分店。

不過,地表最後一間百事達將短暫在 Airbnb 上開放預訂,每晚只要 4 美元!該分店負責人表示,當地居民可以在九月底時入住百視達三晚,夜宿在有客廳的大套房、靠在沙發上,邊看電視邊吃無限量供應的點心,回味 90 年代氛圍。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習

Blockbuster 指美國知名影音出租業者「百視達」,但如果是小寫 blockbuster 則指「賣座的電影或書籍」,後者很常在英文新聞中看到。

例句:This is a blockbuster movie. 這部電影極為賣座。


  1. 1. ubiquitous adj. 隨處可見、無所不在
  2. 2. relic n. 遺跡
  3. 3. online streaming service n. 線上串流服務平台
  4. 4. exclusively adv. 僅有、只限、獨有
  5. 5. kick back 常用片語,指「放鬆、休息」之意;但如果是連在一起的 kickbakc 則是名詞,指「收回扣」。