日本咖哩進軍印度!Coco 壹番屋在印度展店Japan selling curry to India!

The famous Japanese curry restaurant chain CoCo Ichibanya launched its first restaurant in India this month. The company also aims to open as many as 30 restaurants in India by 2030. 

If you are looking for authentic Indian flavor and spicing, you may be disappointed. Japanese curry bases are soupier and sweeter than the average Indian curry. In order to make the dish more localized, they also replace pork and beef curries, which are popular in Japan, with seafood, chicken, and vegetables.

In the late 19th century, the British navy introduced curry to Japan. After that, curry became one of the country’s favorite foods, especially among schoolchildren.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

日本知名的平價咖哩連鎖餐廳 CoCo 壹番屋,本月在印度開張第一家分店!他們目標是到 2030 年前,希望能在印度開設約 30 家分店。


英國海軍在 19 世紀將咖哩傳入日本後,這道菜就成為極受歡迎的國民美食,特別是日本學童,幾乎每個人都超愛咖哩。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習

aim 可以當作名詞,也可以作為動詞,指的都是「目標」。作為動詞的話用法也很多元,可以說:

  1. 1. 某人 aims to do 某事
  2. 2. 某人 aims at doing 某事
  3. 3. 某人 is aiming for 某事
  4. 4. 某人 aims for 某事

例句:He aims to become a teacher after graduated.


  1. 1. launch v. 推出、啟動、發起,是很常見的單字,例如歌手發片、作家出書,都是用launch
  2. 2. authentic adj. 真正的,正宗的
  3. 3. soupier adj. 是「soupy」(像湯一樣濃稠的)的比較級
  4. 4. localize v. 在地化、地方化
  5. 5. schoolchildren n. 學童,通常指國中和國小生