WhatsApp新功能,方便用戶做事實查核,避免被假消息誤導WhatsApp Launches New Feature to Verify Misinformation

WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature enabling users to fact check when receiving highly forwarded messages. Some misinformation related to COVID-19 went viral through messages forwarded many times or posted to many groups at a time. There will be two arrows accompanying the messages not sent from close contacts. Users may tap the magnifying glass button in the chat to quickly search related information online.

WhatsApp won’t label these messages as true or false and won’t read them itself. The feature, piloting first in seven countries, allows users to double-check the truthfulness of messages and root out misinformation.

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名詞的pilot除了常見指「飛行員」(n.)之外,也有「試播節目」(n.)的意思,當做形容詞是「測試的、試驗性質的」,例如pilot scheme是「試驗計畫」,而當做動詞用時,就是「測試、試行」。


The pilot scheme is to find our target audiences.



  1. 1. fact check 事實查核
  2. 2. magnifying glass 放大鏡
  3. 3. verify v. 證明、證實
  4. 4. label v. 貼標籤
  5. 5. truthfulness n. 真實性
  6. 6. root out v. phr. 經過搜尋找到;找到並且根除、杜絕