Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter Remove Viral Video Promoting Misinformation about Coronavirus Facebook, YouTube, 和Twitter同時下架肺炎疫情假消息影片

Facebook removed a viral video promoting false information and dubious claims about the coronavirus. In the video, a group of people calling themselves “America’s Frontline Doctors ” staged a press conference in white lab coats outside the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC. These “doctors” made some claims opposite to public health officials’ advice, including “You don’t need masks to prevent the spread of the virus,” “This virus has a cure, it’s called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax” and so on.

The video went viral on Facebook in a short time and became one of the most popular posts before it was removed. The post, shared nearly 600,000 times, received more than 14 million views. Twitter and YouTube also took action against the video on their platforms to align with their COVID-19 misinformation policies.

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英文文章中,講到特定字詞時若沒來由地使用「上下括號」(例如文中的”doctors”),是暗示寫作者使用這個字詞並非代表字面意義,而很有可能正好是完全相反的反面意思。在當面對話時,也常常會用雙手食指和中指彎曲在空中做出兔子耳朵的樣子,同步「模仿上下引號」『框』住關鍵字詞,用這個「引號手勢 air quotes」(或稱兔耳朵手勢、finger quote-mark gesture)以表示嘲諷、挖苦或單純強調的意味。


Air quotes are an unspoken part of language.



  • dubious adj. 可疑的,不可信的
  • stage v. 演出;stage除了常見的作為「舞台」的名詞用法,做動詞用時意指「演出」
  • viral adj. 病毒式的(virus「病毒」的形容詞),go viral 爆紅、病毒式的傳播
  • opposite to 完全不同
  • false information / misinformation n. 假消息、錯誤消息