Some tips to donate clothes in an ethical way 該如何捐贈衣服,才不會被當二次垃圾?專家告訴你

Lots of people don’t know that when you donate clothes, thrift stores only resell about 20 or 30 percent of the garments. The rest of them will probably end up as trash again.

Even though the crux of the issue lies in the fashion industry’s overproduction and overconsumption, we can also donate clothes ethically. Advocates suggest donating clean, good-quality clothes because they have much better resale value. Do not donate T-shirts with your high school’s name stamped on it, let alone your underwear or second-hand socks.


很多人都會捐贈衣服,但可能不知道這個事實:基本上,在大家所捐贈衣物中,舊貨店只願意賣其中的 20~30%,而其他衣物最終就再次成了垃圾。



let alone 是「更別提、更不用說」意思,較常用在否定意味的句子。會夾在兩句中間,第一句已經是否定句,接著再用 let alone 帶出第二個要否定的句子。

例句:I forgot to book the flight ticket, let alone the hotel. 我完全忘了訂機票,更別說訂旅館了!


  • donate v. 捐贈
  • thrift store n. 舊貨店、二手商品店
  • garment n. 服裝、衣物,與 clothes 同義
  • the crux  n. 癥結點、核心點
  • overproduction n. 過度生產
  • overconsumption n. 過度消費