The popular film Gone with the Wind was temporarily removed from HBO Max due to racist depictions after the widespread protests following the death of George Floyd.
However, HBO Max says they will not delete the controversial scenes from the movie because to do this would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed.
People are also debating where the film belongs in Hollywood. Some say the film is a cultural touchstone which helps viewers to identify racism for themselves, while others believe it deserves a permanent ban because the film was created in the context of the racism against black people at the time.
近期因為非裔美國人「George Floyd 之死」事件延燒,種族議題再度浮上檯面;而知名經典好萊塢電影《亂世佳人》也因為被批評有種族歧視之嫌,而被 HBO Max 暫時下架。
當影片引起爭議時,有些業者會把爭議片段刪除,再繼續上架;但 HBO Max 卻說他們會保留原片樣貌,因為如果刪除那些種族歧視爭議的片段,等同於宣稱這些偏見完全沒存在過。
touchstone 是「試金石」,白話來講就是「檢驗標準」,用來驗證或衡量這件事情的表現水準。以本文為例,前面加上 cultural 就代表文化試金石,意思就是用來衡量社會上多數人文化水準,看他們會不會有種族歧視等思想。
例句:Apple’s product is a touchstone of 3C industry. 蘋果的產品是 3C 產業的試金石。