新鮮蔬果漁獲上線囉!電商成為農夫漁夫們疫情期間的救星E-Commerce, the Savior of Farmers and Fishermen during the Pandemic

Shops are closed and wet markets are shut down in many areas in Southeast Asia to stop the spread of COVID-19. Fishermen and farmers have to throw away tons of fresh fish, fruit and vegetables, and even flowers, which are perishable and not able to be stored for a long time.

Thankfully, several e-commerce platforms have stepped in to bring them online to connect with customers. In Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, more and more fishermen and farmers are embracing the new way to sell. Since they can’t reach their regulars, including individuals, restaurants, wholesale markets, and so on through traditional channels, selling online helps them stay in business and survive the pandemic.

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英語帶著走 │ 學習:

Commerce是「商業」的意思,e-commerce則是electronic commerce「電子商務」的縮寫。在電商之外,以下是其他人們時常會採購食材的通路:

wet market 傳統市場

supermarket 超市

delicatessen 熟食店

meet shop 肉鋪

seafood/fish market 魚市

bakery 麵包(糕點)店


I love to go shopping in wet markets. 我很愛到傳統市場買菜。
