The coronavirus seems to be more deadly for men, but the lockdown is disastrous for women. Although men were 50% more likely than women to die after being infected with the virus, experts say it is dangerous to focus purely on health data.
The stay-at-home order has also created a pressure-cooker situation for victims of domestic violence. The French government not only paid for 20,000 nights in hotel rooms for victims but also opened counseling centers at supermarkets. Victims just walk into a pharmacy, say the code word “mask 19” to the pharmacists, and they will call the police.
雖然病毒對男性的致死率更高,但因應疫情擴大所實施的居家隔離命令,對女性卻無疑是更大災難。根據統計數據,男性在感染新冠病毒後比女性多出 50% 死亡率,但專家提醒,我們不能只關注生理健康數據,也必須關注其他議題,例如:家暴。
由於居家隔離命令嚴格禁止隨意外出,也讓家中成員處在情緒緊張、壓力高漲的環境下,不知不覺加深對女性家暴受害者的傷害。法國政府還因此為受害者支付 2 萬晚的飯店住宿,也在各大超級市場增設諮詢中心。假如不幸被家暴,也不用擔心在家中難以報警,只要走進藥局跟藥師說出「mask 19」密碼,藥師就會立即通報警方。
pressure-cooker 代表「高壓環境」,中間用橫線時代表是形容詞,而如果是 pressure cooker 則是名詞。
例句:They have been working in a pressure-cooker situation for a long time. 長期以來,他們一直在高壓環境下