Make the most of small homes「小地方變大空間」─Azby Brown教你在家工作的陳設技巧

Whether it may be for social distancing or working from home, people can feel uncomfortable when they stay within a small space for too long. Here are some tips from designer Azby Brown on how to adapt to living in narrow and movement restricting spaces:

Change up your windows and place some decorations around them. Changing up what you see can help make you feel like you are not stuck indoors. If you need a space for undisturbed conference or video calls, you may create a little corner to serve as your “window to the outside world,” giving you a sense of freedom. Selecting suitable colors for your walls and ceilings can help make the space feel bigger. Also, the installation of mirrors and the planning of high and low-level furnishings can create the illusion of added depth in the space.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

不論是居家防疫、或是在家遠距工作,長時間待在小空間裡很可能會感到壓迫不舒服。設計師Azby Brown針對如何適應狹窄、而活動空間有限的隔離生活,提出了以下幾點建議:


英語帶著走│ 學習

長時間待在家中,透過Interior design(室內設計)的概念來調整室內陳設,運用change(更換)、create(打造)、select(選擇)等手段方法來改變氣氛,可以幫助我們舒服度過「宅在家」的時光:

  • Exterior 外觀:雖然防疫期間無法外出,但住家若有庭院或陽台,可考慮栽種盆栽花草,營造接觸戶外大自然的感覺
  • Decoration 裝飾:換新裝飾品,視覺上的變化對心理及情緒都有幫助
  • Color顏色:牆壁使用neutral tone(中性色調)、natural color (自然色),天花板選擇較暗的顏色,能讓空間看起來更大更舒服
  • Layer層次:使用blinds(百葉窗)、paper or glass screens(紙製或玻璃製屏風)、fabrics(布簾)可創造室內景深層次感

※ 例句:

The interior decoration of their new house cost them a fortune.


