其實許多「自戀者」是「自我厭惡者」Most narcissists don’t love themselves at all

The narcissist’s constant need for attention is often irritating. However, the fact is that it seems to come from a deep insecurity they’re trying to cover up.

Research indicates that many narcissists don’t actually love themselves at all. In fact, their behaviors are driven by self-hatred much of the time.

So, when you see someone name-dropping at work or plastering selfies on social media, they could be a vulnerable narcissist. Experts said the best strategy for dealing with narcissists may be to try to understand where they’re coming from.





name-dropping 指的是喜歡藉由與名人或成功人士沾光來「自抬身價」,是一種看似炫耀但實際上反映內心不安全感的行為。

例句:His constant name-dropping is actually a joke in the company. 他不斷自抬身價的行為,在公司裡其實是個笑話。


  • narcissist (n.) 自戀者
  • irritating (adj.) 令人厭煩
  • insecurity (n.) 不安全感
  • self-hatred (n.) 自我厭惡
  • plaster (v.) 大量張貼
  • vulnerable (adj.) 脆弱的
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