春節追劇不停 年輕女子罹患飛蚊症!Binge-watching leads to eye floaters

Be careful of binge-watching! A Taiwanese woman began to see floaters and flashes in the corners of her eyes after watching a Korean drama for hours in a row.

Many patients are suffering from myodesopsia, or eye floaters, after the Lunar New Year holiday because they stayed up all night to watch TV or play video games. One of them is a 30-year-old woman, Chang, who recently finished 50 episodes of a Korean drama in a single day. After that, her eyesight had become less clear and she was seeing small black dots drifting through her vision.

To prevent and reduce floaters, do eye exercises for 5-10 minutes and allow the eyes to relax after using electronic devices.





飛蚊症的英文是eye floaters,float是漂浮的意思,意指眼睛的漂浮物

例句:She got eye floaters as she got older.

追劇的英文就是binge-watching, 也可以當動詞 binge-watch

例句:I binge-watched the latest series in one day.

例句:Binge-watching is bad for your eyes.


  • Stay up 熬夜
  • Prevent 預防
  • Reduce 減少
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