行人注意!別站在機車待轉區裡Pedestrians, don’t stand in the middle of a scooter left turn box

Pedestrians, attention please! Don’t stand in the middle of a scooter left turn box, or you will face fines in Taiwan.

A video posted on social media shows two women standing and chatting in the middle of a scooter left turn box. In Taiwan, scooters under 250cc have been banned from making direct left turns on roads with two or more lanes since 1985. Instead, drivers have to drive ahead to the intersection on the right and then make a “fishhook” motion to the left to enter the special box.

Since the box is reserved for drivers who want to make a left turn, pedestrians are prohibited from standing inside the box.



最近社群媒體上流傳一段影片,有兩名女子一邊站在機車待轉區中間、一邊聊天。從 1985 年起,台灣就規定 250cc 以下的機車如果騎到兩個或兩個以上車道的路口,就不能直接左轉,必須先在交叉路口往前騎到右邊,然後做出「魚鈎」動作向左轉,並駛入專用的待轉區內。



今天來介紹關於「禁止、阻止」的兩個常用單字:banned from 以及 prohibited from,這兩個詞彙意義一樣,但 ban 更有官方頒布相關法律禁止的意義。要注意的是,後面得用 from 再加上被禁止的事項、行為等等。

例句:Scooters are banned from driving on sidewalks. 人行道上禁止騎機車。


  • pedestrian (n.) 路人、步行者
  • scooter left turn box 機車待轉區
  • lane (n.) 路、巷
  • intersection (n.) 交叉路口
  • fishhook (n.) 魚鈎
  • reserve (v.) 保留、留給

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