A giant “Black Lives Matter” was painted in yellow on Fifth Avenue in New York, right in front of Trump Tower, echoing the national racial movement, provoked by the death of a black man, George Floyd, as a result of police violence.
US President Donald Trump, who owns Trump Tower, took to Twitter, saying that painting the phrase on streets at several locations around the city is “a symbol of hate,” which would denigrate “this luxury Avenue” and “further antagonize New York’s Finest.”
The mayor of New York City tweeted back that Black Lives Matter is “a movement to recognize and protect the lives of Black people.”
種族歧視是美國長久以來的問題,黑人等少數族裔受到社會不公平的對待,近期黑人男子佛洛伊德遭警方不當執法而致死的事件,引起全國嘩然,更讓敏感的種族對立一觸即發,短短幾州,數百萬人在全美各地走上街頭,抗議社會對黑人的歧視,並直呼Black Lives Matter,黑人的命也是命,呼籲政府與社會正視根深蒂固的種族問題。
不過,美國總統川普對此不表示在意。在許多民眾決議要在紐約市部份大道漆上Black Lives Matter標語時,川普甚至在推特上寫說這是「仇恨的象徵」。近期,支持黑人運動的人士就在紐約市最繁華的第五大道川普大樓前,漆上碩大的Black Lives Matter,鮮艷的黃字十分醒目,目的就是要讓這座大樓的主人,也就是川普,好好正視種族議題。
當我們說抗議「走上」街頭,英文不是用walk,而是用take to,意思為「去」或「登上」,
He took to the streets to protest.
Take to也可以更廣泛用於使用各種媒介或方式,表達訴求。
可以說:take to twitter,可以說就是使用推特(或其他社交軟體)來表達訴求或是take to the stage,就是站上舞台(一樣,表達訴求)