美國隊長Chris Evans意外在IG洩漏不雅照Chris Evans Accidentally Leaks a NSFW Pic on Instagram

Famous actor Chris Evans, known as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, broke the internet recently. Evans uploaded a screen-recorded video of a game with his younger brother on Instagram Stories. At the end of the video, a glimpse of his iPhone’s camera roll gallery revealed several NSFW nude meme pictures of himself. Even though Evans deleted the post almost immediately, followers still took screenshots and passed them around on social media.

Fans and supporters have been imploring people not to share these extremely personal photos. After a few days of silence, Evans embarrassingly reacted to the “incident” with a positive attitude by asking American people to come out and vote on November 3rd.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

在漫威電影宇宙中擔任「美國隊長」的知名演員Chris Evans(克里斯伊凡),最近在網路上引起暴動。Evans在IG Stories限時動態中,上傳了一則他跟弟弟玩遊戲的螢幕截屏影片。在影片的結尾,一閃而過看到Evans iPhone手機中的相片膠卷app(camera roll)相簿集,其中有幾張不宜公開的裸露迷因照片。雖然他幾乎是馬上就刪除了這則影片,但還是沒快過追隨者螢幕截圖、並且在社群媒體上散佈的速度。


輕鬆帶著走 │學習

網路文化從次文化開始,透過社群的互動漸漸進入主流視線,一起來認識本篇中一些跟網路較相關的「鄉民」用語吧。break the internet是指發文或舉動在網路上引起轟動。NSFW為Not Safe/Suitable For Work的縮寫,意指工作場所不宜、可能會冒犯到其他人的一些裸露或血腥內容圖片影片。meme迷因,通常是透過模仿、再造、然後經過傳播,在網路上引起廣泛注意與討論的內容。


Memes that break the internet are not always NSFW.


  • leak (v.) 洩漏
  • cinematic (adj.) 電影的
  • glimpse (n.) 一眼、一瞥
  • nude (adj.) 裸體的
  • implore (v.) 懇求
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