男性說教 令人討厭?What is mansplaining?

Mansplaining describes the act of a man who explains to a woman something he thinks he knows more about than she does, regardless of whether he knows anything or not. Kate Manne, an associate professor of philosophy at Cornell University, said that mansplaining is most likely a phenomenon as old as time. When it comes to knowledge, men are told to have the authority and prestige over women.

Mansplaining is also the presumption that a woman is less knowledgeable, less competent and needs a man to explain things to her. To avoid becoming a mansplainer, a man can ask himself “Is she interested?” “Do I know this?” “Is she more informed than I am?” In other words, know your audience.

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美國康乃爾大學教授Kate Manne就指出,「男性說教」雖然是一個新創詞,但這個現象卻歷史悠久。自古以來,男性就被認為比女人擁有更多知識,並享有知識的權威與特權。因此,流傳至今,男性會認為自己在知識上高人一等,並預設女性比較沒有能力、無法處理複雜概念,需要由男性解說。男士們若要避免不小心變成「說教者」,可以對人說話前先問自己:她有興趣聽嗎?我真的這麼懂嗎?她會不會比我更懂?簡言之,要懂得察言觀色、見好就收。

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  • authority權威
  • prestige 威望
  • presumption 推測、設想
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