「用完即丟」文化助長,傳家寶愈來愈少Disposable culture produce fewer heirlooms

What is your family’s most valuable heirloom? Living in the digital age, we may value the content in our smart phones a lot, but we produce fewer heirlooms for future generations.

The world of antiques has suffered a downturn since 2000. This is because worldwide demand for antiques had pushed prices to unprecedentedly high levels by the 1990s, which encouraged cheaper and inferior reproductions to appear on the market.

Experts say it also fuels a disposable culture where items are regularly replaced rather than cherished for generations.

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從 2000 年起,古董市場就經歷衰退,因為在 1990 年代市場上對古董的需求太狂熱,導致當時古物價格來到前所未有的高價,也因而帶動廉價、粗製濫造的複製品大量出現在市場上。


輕鬆帶著走 │學習

inferior 指的是「較差的、較低等、比不上」,與 superior 是反義詞。若要與某人事物對照,後面則接 to。

例句:The mass-produced items are inferior to the antiques.


  • heirloom (n.) 傳家寶、祖傳之物
  • antique (n.) 古董、古物
  • downturn (n.) 衰退
  • unprecedentedly (adv.) 前所未有、史無前例
  • reproduction (n.) 複製品
  • disposable (adj.) 一次性的、用完即丟
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