美國雇主不能再因性向解僱員工!US Supreme Court ruling in favor of LGBT workers

The United States Supreme Court made a ruling that employers cannot fire their employees for being gay or transgender, which would break civil rights law.

The Supreme Court said that both sexual orientation and gender identity should be included in federal law, which prohibits discrimination based on sex.

It is the first time that protection for transgender individuals is written in law as gay rights have been expanding. This is a major win for LGBT workers and advocates who work on LGBT rights. Some experts said the ruling is “extremely positive” for the LGBT community.

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最高法院裁定結果為六人贊成、三人反對,對於目前以保守派居多的最高法院來說,算是令人跌破眼鏡的壓倒性票數,且判決書的主要執筆人,還是保守派大法官Neil Gorsuch。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習


至於一個人的性傾向,亦即他受到哪個性別的吸引,英文是sexual orientation。Orientation一般翻譯為「方向、方位、傾向」。除了性向,還可以有political/religious orientation (政治、宗教傾向等)


  • Prohibit 禁止
  • Discrimination 歧視
  • Positive 正面的


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