前第一夫人蜜雪兒致 2020 畢業生:「說出你的故事,因為很重要。」Michelle Obama’s speech to class of 2020: “Your story matters”

“Your story matters. Your ideas matter. Your experiences matter.” In a virtual commencement speech posted online, former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke to the class of 2020.

Obama acknowledged that the generation is one defined by activism, particularly around climate change, gun violence, and some other important issues. She encouraged young people to share their stories, to embrace the uncertainty of life and to channel anger into action.

She told them: “Never let anyone tell you that you’re too angry or that you should keep your mouth shut.” Obama believed the graduates will create a better future by carrying the lessons they have learned in these hard times.


受到疫情影響,今年許多世界各地的畢業生都沒辦法參加畢業典禮,但前第一夫人 Michelle Obama 仍然在網路上發表致詞影片,鼓勵2020年應屆畢業生。她說:「你的故事很重要,你的想法很重要,你的經驗也很重要。」

Michelle Obama 認為,即將畢業的這一代,是由行動主義所定義,特別是在面對氣候變遷、槍枝暴力以及其他議題等。因此她鼓勵年輕人勇於講出自己的故事、擁抱生活中的不確定性,並將憤怒轉化為具體行動。



matter 用作動詞,指的是「很重要」,為近期常見單字。日前美國上街抗議種族歧視者,手中往往拿著標語「Black Lives Matter」(黑人的命,也是命)。

例句:Your ideas really matter! Could you elaborate on that?  你的想法真的很重要,可以詳細闡述嗎?


  1. 1. commencement n. 畢業典禮
  2. 2. First Lady n. 第一夫人,對國家或地區領導人妻子的尊稱
  3. 3. class of 2020 n. 2020 應屆畢業生。如果是去年應屆生,則是 class of 2019
  4. 4. activism n. 行動主義、激進主義
  5. 5. gun violence n. 槍枝暴力
  6. 6. channel…into…  把某事物導入到某事物上
  7. 7. carry v. 指帶著某種信念、經驗進行某事,通常用於正面意涵

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