香港銅鑼灣書店 台灣重生!Hong Kong Bookstore finds home in Taipei

Causeway Bay Books, a Hong Kong bookstore stocked with volumes critical of the Chinese Communist Party, found its new home in central Taipei after the Chinese government tightened its grip on Hong Kong’s semi-autonomous status.

Lam Wing-kee, the owner and manager of the bookstore, fled to Taiwan last year after being abducted by the Chinese authorities in 2015 for selling books critical of the ruling party.

Now, the bookstore has become a gathering place for people worried about the future of Taiwan, which Beijing is moving to bring under its control more aggressively. Mr. Lam said he wants the people of Taiwan to have a place where they can reflect on the challenges facing the island.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說




輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習

tighten one’s grip

意思就是「加強掌控」、「嚴格管制」。Tighten就是「上緊」、grip就是「握」,tighten one’s grip的意象上就是把拳頭握更緊,會用在上對下的關係,例句:The military government has tightened its grip on the city. 軍政府加強對這座城市的管制。

當然這個詞也可以就是字面上的「握緊」,例句:He tightened his grip on her arms 他握緊她的手臂。


  • 1. Critical  批判的
  • 2. Fleed 逃離
  • 3. Abduct 綁架
