

One day, little monkey Modi’s dad was up in the farmland working in the orchard.
“Modi” , said his mum.
“ I’m going to take a bowl of milk to Daddy. ”
“I know where the farmlands are. ” said Modi. “Let me take Daddy his milk. Please? Please? ”


“Alright”, said his mum, “but try not to spill any milk on the way. ”
Modi ran to milk the cow. He filled the bowl, put it on his head, stood up and began to walk.
“Steady, ” Modi whispered to himself. “Gently does it, Modi. Don’t wiggle, don’t wobble, don’t try to rush it.”


Modi picked a path across the forest, past a team of horses. “Don’t slip, don’t slide, don’t fall over. Don’t let a single droplet drop on the ground. ”
It was the day of the forest parade. Modi wove his way amid those dancing animals.
“Walk tall, walk steady, eyes on the horizon, Modi. Don’t even think about spilling any milk. ”


The river in the forest was dark and wide. Modi took a ride in a stinky fishing boat.
“Don’t shiver, don’t quiver, don’t fall in the river, Modi. Keep it on your head, milk doesn’t float.”
A group of giraffes were stalking across the plains, like dusty aliens on the moon. “Don’t look, don’t turn your head, just walk on through. You’ve got work to do Modi.”


Oh, no! One final mountain looming high. Modi breathed in deep and up he climbed.
“Left foot, right foot. Never give up, Modi. Left hand, right hand, all the way up, now.”
At last, Modi arrived at the farmland. Chilling in the shade of a peach tree, sat Modi’s dad.


“Hi, Daddy.”
“Hi, Modi. Nice to see you.”
“Hi, I’ve brought you some milk, ” said Modi.
He took the bowl off his head but just as he was passing it to Daddy…


A big, fat peach landed right in the bowl.
Daddy’s milk spilt everywhere.
“I don’t believe it! ” Wailed Modi.

「我不敢相信!」 莫迪哀號道。

“I carried that milk miles and miles. Over the mountain and across the river and I didn’t stop to watch the parade or the giraffes. Because I didn’t want to spill a single drop, and now look! Now it’s all gone! ”


Daddy gave Modi a big hug. “It’s not all gone, ” he whispered. “There was more than milk in that bowl! ”
“Huh?” said Modi.
“It’s true. ” said Daddy. “Your love for me was in that bowl as well. You brought it all the way up to the farmland and you gave it to me, just fine. That bowl was full of love and still is. ”


“You didn’t spill a drop.” Daddy wiped away Modi’s tears.
Modi pointed at the big, fat peach. “I think it must be lunch time.” He said.
“I agree”, said Daddy.


“As it happens, I prefer peach to milk any day.”
Daddy took a knife and cut the peach into three big, juicy pieces.


Modi ate that first piece. “Yummy! ” he said.
Daddy ate the second piece. “Scrummy! ” he said.
The third piece was still in the bowl. “For Mummy?” asked Modi.
“That’s right”, said Daddy. “Tell her it comes with all my love. ”



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