收到陌生包裹?內含來歷不明的種子,可能有害別亂種!Unidentified Seeds in Unsolicited Packages from China Could Harm Agriculture

The departments of agriculture in nearly 30 states in the US recently received reports from residents receiving unsolicited packages of seed packets sent from China. Agriculture officials warn recipients not to plant these unidentified seeds since they could pose a risk to the environment and the agriculture industry. Invasive plant species could bring disease to native plants and harm livestock.

USDA officials are now investigating whether this is just another scam where some sellers sent out unsolicited packages to generate fake sales and boost product ratings of online stores. Agricultural smuggling is forbidden in the country to protect domestic agriculture.

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美國農業部USDA(United States Department of Agriculture)現在正在積極調查,確認這行為是否有其他意圖、或只是另一個「刷單騙局」,意指一些網路賣家寄送包裹給不知情的收件人來偽造成交,進而透過留下正面評價來提高網路商店中產品的評價分數。美國禁止農業走私以保護本土的農業。陸續有其他國家的民眾開始反應,一樣收到這類型來自中國的不明種子包裹,台灣也有零星事件消息傳出,如果收到這種包裹,切勿種植或隨意丟棄,請務必要聯絡政府部門協助處理唷。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

plant當名詞用時指得是「植物」,當動詞用就是「種植植物」把東西種進土壤裡,可以直接說「plant+植物」例如plant roses(種花), plant seeds(種下種子)。延伸成抽象的意思時,類似於把想法「種」進腦海裡,例如plant doubts(產生懷疑)、plant rumors(製造謠言)。


The strange message planted doubts in his mind.



  • agriculture n. 農業
  • unsolicited adj. 未要求的、不知情的、不請自來的
  • unidentified adj. 不知名的、保密的
  • scam n. 詐騙、詐欺
  • smuggle v. 走私
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