VIA:前總統蔡英文臉書妮妃雅(Nymphia Wind)-《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》冠軍得主,這次踏進了總統府,在這裡與瘋家皇后一起上演了一場六色彩虹大秀。這場表演在這個具有深刻意義的場域中,以舞蹈表演象徵自由、平等的精神。用聽得更有趣 https://www.tutorabc.com/count.asp?code=4iSZD8S2ka[Host]: Welcome to TutorABC.com, your go-to podcast for language learning and cultural insights. I’m your host, and today we have a fascinating topic that blends culture, performance, and a bit of international relations. We’re diving into the recent performance by Nymphia Wind, a renowned drag queen, at Taiwa