他在日月潭弄丟 iPhone,一年後失而復得Tourist loses iPhone on Sun Moon Lake, recovers it one year later

Taiwan is experiencing its worst drought in more than half a century; however, it also gave a tourist the opportunity to recover his iPhone.

Last March, the tourist placed his iPhone in a plastic waterproof phone pouch and wore the phone around his neck while paddle boarding on Sun Moon Lake.He lost his balance and dropped his iPhone into the lake. Over a year later, his phone was found lying on the dry lakebed, and the phone’s operating system and functions were miraculously normal. He got his iPhone back!


台灣目前正經歷半世紀多以來最嚴重的旱災,但這也讓一位遊客的 iPhone 有機會失而復得。

去年 3 月,這位遊客在日月潭划槳時,事先把他的 iPhone 放在塑膠防水手機袋裡,並掛在脖子上。只是划槳時一不小心,他失去平衡,iPhone 也掉入湖中了。沒想到一年多後,有人發現他的手機躺在乾涸的湖底,且手機的作業系統、其他功能竟然都奇蹟般地能正常運作。他的 iPhone 回來了!


recover 指的是經過不好狀況後的「回復」,例如:失而復得、經濟復甦、恢復健康等等狀態,都可以用 recovery 來描述,可以用做動詞或名詞。


It took a long time for the tourism industry to recovery from COVID-19. 疫情過後,觀光產業花了一段時間才恢復。


  • drought (n.) 乾旱、旱災
  • plastic (adj.) 塑膠製的
  • waterproof (adj.) 防水的
  • pouch (n.) 小袋子
  • paddle board 划槳
  • Sun Moon Lake (n.) 日月潭
  • lakebed (n.) 湖底
  • operating system (n.) 作業系統

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