記者被判有罪 菲律賓新聞自由受質疑!Filipino journalist found guilty of cyber-libel

Filipino-American journalist Maria Ressa was found guilty of cyber-libel after being accused by the Filipino president and his supporters of reporting fake news. She could face jail time of up to 6 years.

Ressa was raised and educated in the US. She worked as journalist for CNN and later founded a news website, Rappler, in 2012. It is one of the local sites that criticizes the Duterte administration about its harsh war on drugs.

Ressa and another reporter worked on an article about a high-profile businessman who was involved in a murder, trafficking, and drug smuggling. They are charged with violating a new libel law, which was created after the article was published.

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知名的菲律賓調查記者瑞薩(Maria Ressa),被菲律賓政府控告網路誹謗,指控他所創立的網站報導假新聞,法院判決有罪,瑞薩恐面臨六年的刑期,也讓人質疑菲律賓的新聞自由。



輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習


首先,某人被判決有罪,可以用be found guilty

例句:the murderer was found guilty and sentenced to death. 這名謀殺犯被判有罪並判處死刑

「判處」英文就是用sentence,通常使用過去式,如上句的was sentenced to death.


例句:The man was accused of  murder. 這名男子被指控謀殺。



  • Trafficking 販運
  • Smuggling 走私
  • Violate 違反
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