狗狗也中鏢!疫情期間,人類如何跟寵物相處?Protecting Pets during the Pandemic

There is thus far no evidence that pets can spread the COVID-19 virus to humans, but humans may pass it on to the virus to them. In April, a dog coughed and sneezed strangely, as if he was gagging. After that, it tested positive for the virus, and was likely the first dog known to be infected with the virus in the U.S.

How can we protect pets during the pandemic? The advice from professionals is: “Treat pets as other human family members.” For example, do not let your pets interact with animals or people outside the household. Isolate the sick person inside the household from everyone else, including pets.


雖然目前沒有證據顯示寵物會傳染 covid-19 病毒給人類,但當寵物與人類朝夕相處,人類卻可能傳染給牠們。4月時,美國有一隻狗狗被發現不管是咳嗽、打噴嚏的方式都很怪異,看起來就彷彿是在「作嘔」一樣,於是送到醫院檢查,發現感染病毒,成為美國第一隻染病的狗狗。



treat ⋯as⋯ 指的是我們如何對待某人或某事,文中 treat pets as other human family members 就是指:把寵物當家人看待,我們怎麼跟其他家人相處,就用這種方式跟寵物相處。

如果動物或人類被檢測出「陽性反應」,英文叫做 be tested positive for⋯;或是說他「被感染了」,英文叫做 be infected with⋯。當寵物不小心染上這次病毒,可能會出現哪些症狀呢?

  1. cough v. 咳嗽
  2. sneeze v. 打噴嚏
  3. gag v. 嘔吐,作嘔。可以指生理上的嘔吐反應,也可以形容看到某事不舒服,想要作嘔的心理反應。

例句:We should treat pets as our family members. 我們應該把寵物視為家人。


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