因為Dora很勇敢,所以Dora的小乳牙成功進入牙齒的銀河囉 Dora, the chubby baby panda wasn’t very happy. Dora,是隻圓圓的小熊貓,她最近不太開心。 Because her Milk Tooth was falling out and she did not want to lose it. 因為她的乳牙快要掉了,但是她不想失去她的牙齒。One night, Dora heard a strange sound coming from her month, you see, her tooth was crying!一天晚上,Dora聽到口中傳出奇怪的聲音──她的牙齒竟然在哭泣!“There is a problem,” Her tooth said sadly, “When the child doesn’t pull out a tooth in time, the new tooth grows and pushes the Milk Tooth away; and soon the child is taken to a do