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莫迪的第一節「友誼課」| 睡前故事

Article/ T Ediitor



Modi is a cute clever little monkey, who has got many friends. However, recently he was transferred to a new school because of his parents’ work. It seemed that Modi was trying hard to adapt to the new environment. Let’s find out what happened to this little fellow at school…

莫迪是一隻可愛又聰明的小猴子,他有很多朋友。 可是最近,由於爸爸媽媽的工作,莫迪轉到了一所新學校。 在新的環境裡,莫迪似乎遇到了些困難,一起來看看這個小傢伙在新學校究竟會發生哪些事情……

On the first day at the new school, Modi was a little bit nervous because everything in the new school seemed unfamiliar. Every face was new, the classroom was quite different and the teachers all looked serious.

在學校的第一天,莫迪感到有些緊張,因為學校的一切都顯得那麼陌生。 每張面孔都是新的,教室也和原來的不一樣,而且每個老師看起來都很嚴肅。

Several days later, on the School Friendship Day, everyone was having a great time, singing, drawing, painting and exchanging gifts. Everyone had to exchange gifts with their best friend.

幾天之後,學校舉辦友誼日。 每個同學都玩得很開心,他們唱歌、畫畫、送禮物,每個人都要與自己最好的朋友交換禮物。

Modi prepared a lot for the School Friendship Day, and spent a whole day choosing a gift. However, when all the presents were shared out among friends, Modi was the only one who had not received a present! He felt terrible. Why? So much effort had been made and in the end no one saw him as a good friend!

莫迪花了很長時間為這一天做準備,並且花了一整天準備禮物。 然而,當好朋友們在交換禮物時,莫迪是唯一一個沒有收到禮物的同學。 他感覺糟透了。 為什麼?我已經做出很大努力,可是還是沒有人把我當作我最好的朋友?

When he got home that night, Modi asked his mother what he could do to find good friends. “Modi, my dear,” answered his mother, “you have to give friendships some time to grow. You can’t have friends within such a short time.”

當晚回到家裡,莫迪問媽媽怎樣做才能找到好朋友。 媽媽回答說:「親愛的莫迪,你必須花些時間來培養友誼,友誼不是一蹴而就的。 ”

“But how much longer should I wait? They don’t see me as their friend, so I don’t have anyone to talk to.” Asked Modi.

“但是我需要花多少時間呢?他們沒有把我當朋友, 我沒有任何人可以傾訴。”莫迪問媽媽。


“My dear Modi, you’re a clever boy,” said his mother, “friendships don’t come for free, you must exchange your ideas with people, and you will have to give them real time, affection and sincerity. For a true friend you must always be available in good times and bad”.

“親愛的莫迪, 你是個聰明的孩子,” 媽媽說, “友誼不是白白收穫的, 你必須要與人交流, 付出你的時間、情感和真誠。為了真正的朋友, 你必須時刻為他們守候, 無論困境和逆境。”


“Give them real affection how? I’ve already spent so much time choosing gifts for them. Doesn’t it count as real affection?” Asked Modi.


“My dear Modi,” answered his mother, “maybe you will need to find some opportunities to spend time with them, try to open your mind to them.”

媽媽回答說:[我親愛的莫迪,也許你需要找機會與他們相處, 向他們敞開心扉。]”

Hearing this, Modi decided to change his ways. After that day, he opened up his mind to others, he spent a lot of time sharing his interests and experiences with his classmates, and he always helped them. Since then, Modi made more and more friends and he felt very happy at school.

聽了這些,莫迪決定做一些事情來改變。 從此,他向別人敞開心扉,與別人分享自己的經歷和興趣,經常説明他們做很多事情。 從此以後莫迪有了越多越多的朋友。


You see! To harvest good friendships with people around you, you must have sincerity and patience. It’s time to sleep now. Good night.

所以,要想收穫友誼,你必須要付出真誠和耐心。 好啦,該睡覺啦,晚安嘍!



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