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TutorTrivia - New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is around the corner and soon everyone will be discussing what their New Year’s resolutions are. Do you remember what resolutions you made last year? Did you accomplish them? For those of you that did - congratulations! But if you didn’t, you can welcome the New Year with a fresh start and make some new resolutions.

Common New Year’s Resolution #1: Get in Shape- this resolution takes many forms. Some resolve to join a gym, some promise themselves to lose a certain amount of weight, workout a certain number of times a week, or just fit into those old jeans from college.

How it’s done: Change! Nothing is going to change until you set some goals. These are difficult changes, but after your Christmas feast and New Year’s parties, it might be time to buckle down and watch what you eat. Cutting out carbs, sweets, or fats might be your ticket, but for others, it might just be exercising more regularly to get in shape. Whatever form your resolution (and your physical shape) takes, if this is your resolve, you will likely have companions in your pursuit of health. Misery loves company.

Common New Year’s Resolution #2: Quit Smoking- This is related to the above resolution. Have you noticed most peoples’ resolutions deal with self-betterment, improvement, or problem solving? This is another common one.

How it’s done: Some decide to quit cold turkey. Others need a more strategic approach. They may cut down to less cigarettes per day or week until they can wean themselves off. They might make use of nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or fake ‘smokeless’ cigarettes that gradually lower your body’s need for nicotine. No matter how you approach it, it can be a hard road, but it does make for a noble New Year’s resolution.

Common New Year’s Resolution #3: Learn something new- Following the trend of self improvement, some are more concerned with mental skills or their own talents and abilities. There is so much to learn! Be it a hobby, a skill, or a foreign language, these things can be fulfilling, enjoyable, and even life changing! Pick an interest and jump in!

How it’s done: This, of course, depends on your interest. Regardless, there are a few tools for any student that will prove invaluable in your quest for new knowledge or skills. The Internet provides a wealth of information regarding endless topics, interests, and fields. You should be able to find resources online that can teach you about your interest or point you in the right direction. Keep in mind, with sessions here at TutorABC, you can study your field of interest while you improve your English. Let us help you fulfill your New Year’s resolution (or at least this one!).

(1) resolution ( n. 名詞 ) 決意,決心,決定
  His resolution to work harder paid off.
(2) resolve ( n. 名詞 ) 決心
  His resolve to finish projects on time is one of the reasons he is so successful.
(3) companion ( n. 名詞 ) 同伴
  They did not like each other at first, but they became close companions.
(4) misery ( n. 名詞 ) 苦難,不幸;苦痛
  She felt her new diet was causing her misery.
(5) cold turkey ( adv. 副詞 ) 突然而且完全停止
  My bad shoulder forced me to quit playing tennis cold turkey.
(6) wean (off) ( v. 動詞 ) 使脫離;使戒除;使放棄
  We’re trying to wean ourselves off watching too much television.
(7) noble ( adj. 形容詞 ) 高尚的,崇高的
  The soccer team made a noble effort, but still lost.
(8) quest ( n. 名詞 ) 尋求;尋找
  He was on a quest to find the perfect beach destination.
1. Read as often as you can to improve your English comprehension skills and reinforce vocabulary.
2. Pick a vocabulary word you are working to understand and listen for its practical use during the day.

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